Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Warm November Day

Today is a dreary, cold, wet November day.

Less than a week ago the sun was shining and the weather was warm.

You've heard the saying, "Make hay while the sun shines"?

Well, we should also make memories while the sun shines.

The kids had been using their spare time to build a dam.

Even my oldest really gets into this and it's fun to watch them work together.

On this reasonably warm winter day, the kids grabbed their kayacks and had a great time.

I grabbed my camera.

As the day grew late, it begin to feel more like November.

We all came in and drank hot chocolate.

The End

Our lives so often have dreary parts (and we should especially remember to be thankful during those times), but there are also times just to bask in the sunshine.